The Feathered Shaman

By Elessar Taralom on November 2nd, 2017
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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A strange woman is roaming the Elonian desert, a staff in her hand and a smile under her masked face. Not much is known about her, so the Elonians call her the Feathered Shaman based on her armour. Sometimes she is seen on a griffon, sometimes alone. She is often seen gathering herbs, crystals or bones, probably for one of her many charms. Maybe they are also hexes, who knows. Wherever she goes she is seen helping the locals with small ailments and she cleansed a refugee camp from a pack of nasty eels.
Only the Choya fear her, as she has on many occasions slain the creatures for their powerful spikes and flesh which she uses in her potions.
The ogres call her friend and let her stay at their camps, but even they don´t know what to call this mysterious wanderer of the desert.

Hey guys,
it has been long since I last posted, but I wanted to give the site another chance and present some of the looks I came up with since PoF released! So many great armour sets to play Fashion Wars with!
This look is kinda an update on my necro look: since their colour schemes are similar, but with this look I wanted to incorporate the feathered Bounty Hunter armour. It was also a joy to screen in the new maps, with new skills and mounts!
I hope you like what I came up with, please leave feedback!

Focus used: Spectral Focus


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Full sliders. I love this too much. Birdvari!
2017-11-02 20:39

Fashion Collector
YUS i found you, ive seen your stunning screens on reddit xD
My inner matchmaker wants this to have mordrem wep skins.
SO unique i love it hard.
2017-11-03 6:12

Elessar Taralom
Thank you!
Mordrem weapons are actually a very good idea, especially since the staff looks so good
I was on a budget a bit, so I just took skins I already had available, but I´ll definitely consider buying the Mordrem staff
2017-11-03 8:24 in reply to Sugar

Fashion Guru
Oh here we go again! Glad to have you post this look! Had seen a separate pic on reddit but was wondering what it would look like in other positions locations. Obviously it does not disappoint! I am in love with the consistency of the armor combo and the dye pallete brings such a beautiful and exotic contrast! The griffon is a major plus on this look due to all the feathery theme! Personally I might have used the sunspear sword instead of ceremonial, I think the colors would have brought some substance to the weapon choice, but that's just neat pickiness! This is one hell of a massive Gold! Thanks for sharing!
2017-11-03 10:02

Elessar Taralom
Thanks so much for the detailed comment!
I actually had the Elonian sword in mind as well, but I liked the feather-y details on the Ceremonial more
2017-11-03 11:10 in reply to vgomes93

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
Love the colors that u combined here.
U have alot of great screenshots as always but these ones take the cake... i specifically like the one with the lightning and the one where u jump in the air with the weapons to the side. amazing!
great idea to use this mask combined with bounty hunter. I am not a big fan of it myself but u made it work as usual :P
glad u gave the site another chance and hope to see more.
2017-11-03 11:51

Fashion Guru
Sorry to hear you were considering quitting the site. It would have been a horrible shame given your tremendous talent: I always really enjoy looking through your looks.

This feathered look is stunning; I'm kinda imagining she's patched her clothes with fallen feathers from her griffon given how you dyed the mount similarly. The weapons are all so different yet hang together so well.

My favourite screen is definitely the 4th one where her headdress and pose mirrors the dragon skeleton in the background. Gold :)
2017-11-04 8:20

Amazing screenshots and dye colors, I really like them. And I like that you used that helm piece :)
2017-11-05 14:39

Fashion Guru
The helm legs and shoulders is such an awesome mix. and everything else ofc. Gold.
2017-11-07 6:41

Like it but think it would have been even cooler on human.
2017-11-15 13:49

Fashion Guru
Love the overall silhouette of the look, the stick-thin long legs make it look more avian, beautiful.
2017-12-31 7:36

The style and colors are just perfect
2018-06-29 11:11

What GemFX preset do you use? And do you use it on all your outfits here? I just love how everything looks :3
2018-10-22 7:41

Marvelous look.
2019-07-10 14:13

nice! i love it.
2020-11-13 11:51