
Fashion Guru

Joined: August 15th, 2016
Server: Whiteside Ridge


One of Us

Voting Distribution:
239 125
23 3

Following: (50)

Followed By: (49)
Hi, I'm Mihrean (or rather my druid is and I was incredibly unimaginative when choosing my site name!). I'm 29, live in the UK, and spend far too much of my time playing at dressing up characters in GW2... My favourite part about creating looks is definitely taking screenshots: I like that excuse to go revisit parts of Tyria I usually have no reason to return to. That said, my favourite part of this website is seeing everyone else's creative ideas! Honestly, when it comes to voting I try to give my gut reaction. Sometimes those medals don't align up to those sliders. I'm also probably inconsistent; It depends on how critical I'm feeling on a certain day, particularly when I feel a look is borderline between medals. Regarding criticism: please do not hesitate to let me know this you dislike about my looks. Sometimes people see things/have suggestions I haven't considered and I find it useful to see things from another perspective. I promise I won't be offended!