Desert Warrior

By xenophoria on August 10th, 2021
Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Gold
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Desert Warrior

Head - Dragonrender Heavy Helm [Charred, Charred, Charred, Gold Fusion]
Shoulders - Braham's Wolfblood Pauldrons [Charred, Enameled Geneation, Vintage Silver]
Chest - Spearmarshal's Breastplate [Enameled Generation, Abyss, Gold Fusion, Gold Fusion]
Gloves - Warbeast Gauntlets [Gold Fusion, Charred, Enameled Generation, Vintage Silver]
Leg - Warbeast Tassets [Gold Fusion, Gold Fusion, Charred, Vintage Silver]
Foot - Whisper's Secret Greaves [Abyss, Gold Fusion]

Shing Jea Mosaic Cape [Vintage Silver, Gold Fusion, Banana, Bronze]
Mursaat Glider/Lightbinder Blades Glider


Love it but not all of it. I like the theme of the desert but the head dosen't fit in, in my opinion. If you are in the north, then yes but not in desert areas. And the shoulders does Almost fit. Other wise 7/10 from me :)
2021-08-10 19:59

I’m open to any helmet ideas, if you have any.
2021-08-11 9:11 in reply to GreenSimon