Champion icebrood charr

By Fellgor on December 15th, 2019
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Blue
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After Icebrood saga came out, I had feeling my character in some other timeline would probably have different fate and after browsing armors idea pop into my mind. It was really hard to complete this but I am proud I not gave up.

For some better icebrood effect I used Snow diamond infusion and legendary weapon Frostfang which was my first legendary weapon and must weapon to perfect this.
In time gonna add some more screens and info.


Fashion Guru
Hello Fellgor! Welcome to gw2style ;-) Nice work you made, especially that dye-work, as you mixed several dyes to make complex look. Looking forward for more!
2019-12-16 12:15

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
try to focus on more screenshots and to give more color to the look to make it stand out more.
see potential for your next uploads. gold
2019-12-16 13:29