The Sentinel

By Ashwolf on March 21st, 2017
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Grey
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Climbing quickly through Peacemaker ranks came easily to Zaxx, his natural predisposition to both order and smashing things with blunt instruments did him well in his endeavors, and what's not to love about his job, he either gets to be respected or gets to crack down on the progeny that has the audacity to fall out of line with their superior officer.

This suit went through a lot of changes lately, I've had it for a while, used to be more martial looking, less tech, but I'm quite happy with the additions. This is a very grumpy, no nonsense little guy, only way ye've got around him is to be as interested in mechanical engineering as he is.


AWESOME, all is, really
2017-03-21 9:25

Fashion Collector
Thanks! 8D
2017-03-21 9:27 in reply to Coooooky

Really like the look, it really blends nicely together. Really dig the no nonsense colour palette too. Legs wise I think the spikes do stick out a wee bit, but it doesn't detract from the overall look. Gold from me my man.
2017-03-21 9:50

Fashion Collector
Thank you, I fully agree, if I could take the spikes out of the legs there, I would, but they're just too perfect for this to change for anything else.
2017-03-21 10:09 in reply to Knightsy

You took some really great screens!
I love the shoulder-glove combo you used here, looks very neat together :D
2017-03-21 11:38

Fashion Collector
Really it's the arm part of the inquest chestpiece that really fits well, I took some screens without the shoulderpiece to show just that, but decided against it in the end.
2017-03-21 13:02 in reply to Hylek

Elessar Taralom
You really managed to choose a lot of pieces from different sets that blend very homogenously into one armour set, nicely done!
The dye job is simple, but well executed and the colour of his hair ties in really nicely!
Totally nothing to complain about with your presentation, the screens are gorgeous and the description is well written
Another gold to add for your collection ^^
2017-03-22 5:00

Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
Well buddy. I can see that u are improving with the screenshots. i cant even tell the difference if u have a shoulder on or haven't. So basically it looks good both ways so props to that. About your dye job, It's very simple but sometimes we need simple aside from the detailed i think. Nice small but acceptable story. So gold from me.
2017-03-22 11:51

Fashion Collector
Thank you, I actually got this hair colour way before I got the mystic hammer on him, but it just went together so well that I couldn't have passed using it. XD
2017-03-22 16:57 in reply to Elessar Taralom

Fashion Collector
Thanks man, I sometimes run without the shoulders just because the shoulders i do use are a bit clippy, and it's noticeable during movement, not as noticeable on stills, but otherwise, they do meld in very well, that's why I took'em. There are a bit of brighter blues on the suit, but somehow they didn't turn out as well on the pictures, lighting didn't work for it. XD
2017-03-22 16:58 in reply to Deathblade Kenny

Fashion Guru
Great mix, great dyes, great screens... GOLD
2017-03-23 4:03

Nice armor and dyes combo, i just love the screenshots and how the armor matches to your hair :D gold
2017-03-23 9:55

Fashion Collector
2017-03-23 11:39 in reply to jesandsteven

Fashion Collector
Thank you, it's a really nice hairstyle. XD
2017-03-23 11:40 in reply to m1nte

Wow, I didn't pay attention to what are the armor pieces and thought it were all Cultural Asura armor, but then I notice that the only asura armor are the shoulders, so that is a very good job.
Every dye is very realistic, they all look awesome together.
Nice screenshots, and I love his hair, I rarely see that one :P
2017-06-22 8:32

Very great ;)
2019-01-23 8:46