Old VS New Flamekissed Armor

By Nighthunter on February 6th, 2014
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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I miss my old flamekissed armor skin =( And I won't be able to put human T3 on my norn... Above picture shows how she looks like now... =(


Sorry for your loss :/
2014-02-07 0:24

RIP old flamekissed. Thanks for the screenshots.
2014-02-07 6:52

You should be able to put it on your Norn. Will just cost you GP and Gems.

Step 1 buy T3 with a human toon
Step 2 Transmute it onto a low level no bound piece of armor. (Says it will be soulbound but it isnt) put in bank.
Step 3 Log in with norn go to bank get armor
Step 4 transmute onto norns armor.

Works with the Vigil, Whispers and Priory armor so I assume it will with this too. Might wanna try it on the cheaper T1 stuff first though.
2014-02-07 10:25

thx, but this doesn't work on cultural armor pieces. you may put them onto another human char, but not on a norn. after transmutation the item still says "Requires Race: Human" .
2014-02-07 16:09

Am i the only one that likes the new flamekissed?
2014-02-08 0:25

It's not horrible, but I noticed that the textures seem to have a low resolution compared to other sets. Even the feathered armor which this is based off of.

Also, on a female norn it doesn't work as well because their busts are so big it breaks that fine line between "awesome and also shows skin" (old set) and "showing skin for the sake of it" (new set).

It doesn't quite have that effect on humans, imho, because less area to cover.
2014-04-11 12:20