Syng Droma

By PaulIndrome on January 18th, 2015
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Green
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As one of my three main story-driven characters, Syng Droma's look is based on her background and personality.

Hood is alternative. I sometimes use it for RP purposes.

Syng Droma is the oldest of the Syng siblings, "born" 2 and 8 years elder to Syng Luna and Syng Sara respectively.

Her fascinated dedication to self-mastery has led her down the acrobatic path to becoming a thief, while an inborn, persistent rage about being unable to save Syng Sara from her Dream-fate fuels her atypically aggressive brawler combat style. Being perfectly capable of staying hidden well for long periods of time, she blossoms in open confrontation. For that purpose she wears reinforced leather gauntlets that cover her knuckles, hands and lower arms.

She is a quirky, quick-witted sprout whose grin and blossom-like ears shine with spirited light - often to her huge disadvantage, because she has to concentrate on keeping her ear petals closed whenever sneaking around in the dark or she’d be easily spotted.
Due to her years of solitary journey through dangerous lands filled with watchful, menacing eyes her connection to the influence of the Pale Tree has diminished almost entirely. Her siblings Luna and Sara found each other a few months after Sara emerged from the Dream and they had to search for Droma for another one and a half years. This distance to the voices of the Dream, however, enables her to tap easily into the mindset and extrasensory connection of the followers of Nightmare. While this holds certain advantages, the increased danger of succumbing to Nightmare is ever-persisting.


I really like the colors and how well you managed to mix the cultural and regular armor. Despite the really different materials and textures it looks quite homogenous.
2015-04-23 15:20