The celebration of MIDSUMMER

By ieva on September 9th, 2024
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Color: Blue
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You might have heard about Lithuania being the last pagan country in Europe. You’ll see remnants of this past everywhere – from folk art to everyday traditions. But nowhere is it more evident than in the celebration of Midsummer (Jonines). On the shortest night of the year, you will find people gathering around huge bonfires, jumping over the fire for good luck, singing ageold songs, weaving flower crowns and even going on a quest for the mythical fern blossom (fun fact – ferns don’t actually bloom). And as it’s a national holiday and a dayoff, locals will happily spend the night outside partying and having a great time.
This is not a new idea, but a revision of my old look, because the new flower diadem fits perfectly with it.:
Have fun with my pagan girl:)
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Fashion Guru
Such a refreshing look, I love the atmosphere of the map and how you used it for this theme, makes me feel summer-y! :)
2024-09-11 5:03

Yes, I was thinking even if too late for midsummer, post the look quickly. Thank you very much
2024-09-11 19:08 in reply to TheKimmynator