Blademaster Kajjex

By Kajjex on July 16th, 2024
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: White
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The typical asura scoffs at the idea of a genius pouring all his intellect into the pursuit of martial knowledge, but Kajjex had learned much about the Great Golem Uprising of 1284, where all golems in Rata Sum malfunctioned and terrorized its inhabitants. More importantly, he realized asura were too dependent on magic. A mind is useless without a body to perform, and the "body" was beginning to atrophy among the asura as a species, due to their overreliance on golems for both labor and combat.

Kajjex sought to correct this by training and practicing in all manner of weapons, capitalizing on the core strengths of asura physiology -- reflexes, agility, precision, acrobatic movement, and a keen, analytical mind. Though initially mocked and dismissed by his fellow Statics graduates, his treatises and publications ended up being distributed far and wide among the Peacekeepers, and among asura in other martial careers. Though he doesn't dismiss the use of armor, he still emphasizes the need for freedom of movement, and so he keeps his legs unencumbered.

There may come a day when the asura will no longer be able to depend on their magic, or rely on a golem to do the heavy lifting. When that time comes, he knows his work will be validated -- and more importantly, it may very well save a life.

Shoulders: Ascalonian Protector Pauldrons
Chest: Ascalonian Protector Breastplate
Gloves: Ascalonian Protector Gauntlets
Leggings: Heavy Monastery Leggings
Boots: Mist Shard Greaves


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