Illidan Stormrage from World of Warcraft

By Akawir_2 on April 1st, 2024
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: Green
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Are you ready, to follow him into the abyss? You better be prepared!
This is look is inspired by the character Illidan Stormrage from World of Warcraft.
Note that this look is not supposed to be an identical replica of Illidans look ingame, but rather a cosplay that is inspired by the character and that seeks to recreate what an Illidan Stormrage would look like in Guild Wars 2, if he was consumed even more by Fel magic.
This appearance is great for any build that uses 2 swords as weapons. The new swords for the Necromancer are virtually made for this, as the green/corrputed looking effects of these weapons (and the whole profession) are a perfect fit for this whole look!

If you like it, you can find all the infos on how to recreat the look for yourself here!

I always list the colours from top left to top right and then bottom left to bottom right.

- Head: Pyre Horns (Shadow Abyss, Nightmare 2x)
- Shoulders: deselect the shoulders, so they are not visible
- Chest: Serpentine Tattoo Chest (Nightmare, Shadow Abyss, Nightmare 2x)
- Gauntlets: Pyre Gloves (Nightmare 2x)
- Legs: Serpentine Tattoo Legs (Nightmare, Shadow Abyss, Nightmare, Glossy Black)
- Boots: Martial Artist's Footwraps (Shadow Abyss)

- Backpiece + Glider: Archdemon Wings (Orchid, Shadow Abyss, Violet, Nightmare)
- Weapons: Venombite Sword 2x
- Infusion: Arcane Flow Infusion

Discuss this look on Reddit at GuildWarsDyeJob!


2024-04-13 21:40

Thank you! I am very glad you like it :)
2024-06-16 11:50