Island Wanderer/Detective (Detective Rama inspired)

By TheKimmynator on April 14th, 2023
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Blue
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I was looking for a way to recreate Rama's look in my own vision and came up with this! :)

A kind traveler with a dark edge, this figure is often seen roaming Shing Jea Island. She prefers medium-range crossbow bolts and necromancy over a massive sword to swing around, leaving her agile and fast-paced in combat.

I don't have much more of a backstory honestly... She could just be the Yang to Rama's Yin, a comedic, dynamic duo out and about solving crimes and catching bad guys in the city.

The back item seems like it could be just a hobby, I just think it's rly pretty and the intricacy of it suits the overall look. Would be cool if a musical instrument functioned as a weapon though...

Head: Canthan Sun Hat: Shadow Abyss / Silver Satin / Grave / Abyss
Funerary Mantle: Silver Satin / Silver Satin / Ruby Red
Jade Tech Vest: Havroun / Grave / Silver Satin / Enameled Crimson
Funerary Gloves: Grave / Silver Satin / Havroun / Blood
Light Antique Leggings: Havroun / Silver Satin / Grave / Ruby
Jade Tech Light Boots: Grave / Silver Satin / Silver Satin / Blood

Back Item: Petrified Echovald Instrument

Ebonhawke Crossbow / The Binding of Ipos / Voidflame Assassin Dagger / Eternal Eclipse Scepter


Big hat engery
2023-06-05 5:33

Fashion Guru
Hahaha you know it!
2023-07-12 19:31 in reply to hebbejeebies