
By Hoffa on March 19th, 2023
Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Red
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Testing out a new look.


The look works well for a norn (guardian?) and i like how you repeated and matched the colors of the tatoo troughout the rest of the look.
Having the runes of the gauntlets repeated on the pants is a cool detail as well.
Have you tried the sword "scion's claw"? I think that could fit the overall theme and look very good.
2023-03-20 5:43


Correct I'm a Norn Guardian. But i'm trying the more End of Dragons theme. I feel pretty happy with the result from the armor stand point. maybe add the Glint mask. My problem is finding a proper weapon set that is a good fit. The Scion's Claw was a good tip and i might try to use that for sure! Thanks.
2023-03-20 16:51 in reply to Gewreid

I think this is the most popular tattoo version... I like it quite a bit, but I would definitely use other boots. As for your problem with weapons - it's hard to give advice until you know what build you're playing and what weapons you need.
2023-03-23 4:52


You are probably right. Agreed, I have now changed boots and I think i like them more. Will do an updated version soon. Thank you for your comment sir.
2023-03-26 5:38 in reply to Frans