Drow Rogue

By Thalikor on April 25th, 2022
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Multi
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"Ripped from his home in the Underdark, this Drow rogue has had to find a new way of life in Tyria. Luckily the dark reputation of his race did not precede him and he has been able to make a name for himself as a bounty hunter and assassin, pursuing targets that have ventured where very few would dare to follow."

I was going for a Vvardenfell Glass Armor appearance for the armor and it turned out quite nice. Originally the black on the armor was Glossy Black but Darkness really brings out the definition of the scales. There are a lot of helms that go good with this set, I chose the hood to help with the stinging sunlight on his sensitive Drow eyes.

Helm: Subterfuge Hood (Vintage Silver/Arcane/Green Lion)
Shoulders: Blossoming Mist Shard (Glossy Black/Darkness/Enameled Longevity)
Chest: Blossoming Mist Shard (Glossy Black/Darkness/Fear/Enameled Longevity)
Gloves: Blossoming Mist Shard (Glossy Black/Darkness/Midnight Gold/Enameled Longevity)
Legs: Glorious Legguards (Midnight Gold/Darkness/Darkness)
Feet: Blossoming Mist Shard (Glossy Black/Darkness/Midnight Gold/Enameled Longevity)
Back: Rox's Quiver


Daggers: Dragon Slayer Dagger
Bow: Legionnaire Short Bow


I have seen that you have made an effort and loaded new screens for your characters... From my point of view, they are still rather bad than good (I'll leave your presentation without a rating)... The secret of beautiful screens is behind settings ingame. Your character looks too small, has dark armour and merges with background (here you need more light & zoom in on your character). Especially if you have chosen the wrong lighting (shots at night, wrong background), neither the armor details nor the color mix are visible and that's a pity. Under Options (ingame default F11) you will find settings for Field of View, Near/Far Position and Horizontal Position. You can experiment with these settings when you create your screens. First of all - set graphics options to max during image capturing. Otherwise tip for good screens (under options F11): first move all sliders for camera to the left. Then select optional distance with mouse. Then use only slider "Horizontal position" to position character (left, middle, right). I hope this helps you :)
2022-04-25 15:55

No Edit Comment button, but long story short; Thanks for the tips, I've gone through and updated all the screens with the info you gave me on this character. I'll prolly work on the others tomorrow! :)
2022-04-25 21:52 in reply to ieva

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