Reaper of Grenth

By kolorada on December 29th, 2022
Race: Charr
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Green
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What better choice of religion for a necromancer than Grenth? Marrha Moonwraith was born with an affinity for magic of dead things. Commanding her own small army of undead wasn't exactly in line with any of the High Legion's styles of operation. So she struck out on her own on the human side of the border where she found the gods worshipped there. Finally she felt she found a place she belonged and could fully take advantage of her nature to try and help make Tyria better for everyone. So she donned the colors of the god of the dead and became his advocate among the living. In death everyone is equal, there are no divisions. So let us all join forces as equals, without divisions, and let each one of us lend our strength to the fight against the Dragons! See you on the flip side ;)

Items used:

Reaper's Hood - Moss
Ascalonian Performer Mantle - Olive, Brick, Burnished Steel
Vestments of the Lich - Midnight Olive, Brick, Burnished Steel
Primitive Handwraps - Green Shade, Mahogany
Cabalist Legs - Midnight Olive, Olive, Autumn
Archon Boots - Midnight Olive, Midnight Olive, Green Shade, Burnished Steel

Shadow of Grenth backpack
Necrotic Glider - Midnigh Rust dye

staff - The Crossing
greatsword - Orrian Greatsword, Seven Reaper's greatsword looks also ok

Darkmist Prowler raptor skin
Mad Realm pack mount skins are a great match too

Mini Boneskinner would look amazing with all this but I'm still a long way away from getting that

I suppose some kind of other, darker fur color would look better but the character is based on my irl cat so I'm not changing that :)


Very scary kitty
2023-03-10 13:35

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