"Moaning Kraken"

By matt3948 on March 24th, 2022
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: Purple
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Trying to make a look with the Ice Golem's Cowel for my Virtuoso. Something about my current look isn't quite right- The dye color, weapon skin, and chest/pant armor are all things I'm okay with changing.


For some reason I can't save the armor, but:

Helm: Ice Golem's Cowel
Chest: Seer Coat of the Krait
Shoulders: Conjurer Mantle
Hands: Storm Gloves
Pants: Bladed Pants
Shoes: Elonian Shoes
2022-03-24 17:11

It looks very crazy because nothing fits together. But here I see no "Moaning Kraken" styling and nothing that reminds me in any way of ice golems.
2022-03-25 3:50

My feeling about what feels off about the look is that i feel like there isn't really anything tying the ice golem cowl into the rest, though i love the idea of using the cowl to go for a jagged crystal themed virtuoso look!
The helmet is rather big so i think it needs some chunkyer gloves to keep the balance. Maybe the virtuoso ones, as they would fit the theme and provide something translucent to repeat that aspect of the cowl as well. The nightmare court chest might be able to do that as well while keeping the same gloves and also match the mawdrey backpiece? But that one has that weird hole in the chest...
For crystaly looks like this, i really like the blossoming mist shards set, so maybe that might be something worth playing around with.
Finally, incorporating some light blue elements to match the weapons and diversify the dye scheme could be interesting as well.
2022-03-25 5:34