A Strange COMEDY

By ieva on September 30th, 2021
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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Variety artists shine with very different skills and talents. This form of entertainment brings together acrobats, musicians, comedians, dancers and magicians to offer entertaining and fascinating entertainment. Depending on the orientation, a theme is varied or a colourful mix of different programme items is offered. Variety artists continue to fascinate audiences with their virtuoso skills and imagination.
The artsite from Strange Comedy is at home on show stages all over the world - from the Casino in Crystal Oasis to the Crown Pavilion in Divinity's Reach. What she has to offer in terms of wacky comedy, slapstick, magic, acrobatics and artistry knows no comparison. A character straight out of the Muppets show attacks the laughing muscles without restraint and dismantles all physical laws in the most entertaining way. Without words and only visual comedy, the artist is perfect for an international audience of all ages. Unique and delightfully weird!
I admit - I'm not a fan of Profane Pants. So far I've only used them once for my twisted sylvari. With the human character, it's kind of a first. I've been thinking about how to use this and I've come up with an idea - I'm going to be a variety artist, a comedy star. As it suits the artist, I chose Ringmaster's Hat. Inspired by the roses on the hatband, I added Desert Rose Skin as a back item and gloves with flowers. To add some theatrical effect I used WvW chest piece (I'm a bit bothered by this purple shimmer, but what the heck^^). I also added Stylish Shoes Skin. And voila - my comedy star is ready to perform.
I hope you like the show

============== Apparently the page still doesn't work properly, can't use colors / armor parts tool at the moment========================
Armor Dyes: https://i.imgur.com/8Y22gBy.jpg


Nice use of the Profane set, but I especially love to see good use of the Ringmaster's Hat. Well done!
2021-10-01 9:31

Thank you!
I always find something annoying when ANet im certain color patterns purely forces: the roses on hat are red and can not be colored, the shine on WvW armor is purple and the pants at the beginning of the game you could not even color in the same tone, because the colors were not enough
2021-10-01 13:19 in reply to mkene

... when I look at the last screen, I want to have ticket for performance ;)
2021-10-01 15:13

yes, I turned the picture upside down xD
2021-10-04 19:06 in reply to Frans

Excellent, very imaginative, love it !
2023-07-06 9:24

I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation :)
2023-07-06 17:25 in reply to Eksel