Seasoned Warrior

By dariusfromgw2 on June 14th, 2020
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Brown
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Wanted to go for a season warrior look, with nothing flashy and more focus on realism. Hope this influences other people to try similar looks, since I am a big fan of those.

The armor pieces that I am using are;
Shoulders - Ebon Pauldrons (Tarnish/Pitch/Abyss dyes)
Chest - Dark Templar Breastplate (Abyss/Antique Bronze/Black)
Dark Templar Gauntlets (Abyss/Antique Bronze/Ebony)
Council Guard Legguards (Abyss/Antique Bronze/Tarnish)
Protector's Footgear (Abyss)


Simple and believable, it's the kind of look that I really enjoy a lot. Also love how you made the cloth of the armor similar to the band in the hairstyle.
2020-06-16 7:43