Vine-Touched Mechanical Scrapper

By Maggs on March 15th, 2020
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Green
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With my characters i try and match my colors, my third made character back in 2014 Rusty. Scrapper has always been fun to play, never get tired of it. Same with Lily I wanted to make him plant like as a reference to Mordremoth, which is my favorite dragon. Ill post better quality when i can. Also ill be postings all dyes and armor in description because my computer hates me and the site.
-Glowing Green Mask
-Toxic Shoulder Pads
-Bladed Jerkin
-Toxic Armguard
-Trapper Leggings
-Magitech Boots
-Synergetic Tempered Spinal Blades
-Scientific Hammer
Dyes are:
-Shadow Green


A screen is not a presentation. You want to present a look. I hardly see your character here, not to mention armor details and so on. This is your initial posting, but still it seems listless, uninteresting
2020-03-16 7:07

Im doing the best i can with what i got :( Thanks for the input, ill try and do better.
2020-03-17 1:07

That is bullshit. I care about how the armor and character composition looks and not about your photoshop skills and knowledge of the best screenshot-spots.

I like the look quite a bit, thanks for posting it.
2020-04-01 16:16