Spearmarshal Krah and Zora

By Hadi The Edgemaster on July 15th, 2019
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Black
Vote Breakdown
3 1
7 1
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Spearmarshal Krah and Zora of the great Sunspears of Elona


What the hell is that?
A female and a male character with identical armor off the shelf. That's more than boring, but it's also a male character with heavy armour. What has he lost here? A mess without description. I don't understand what you're presenting here and with what purpose? Anyone can have a look at that in Equipment preview...
2019-07-16 6:32

Hadi The Edgemaster
Hey i dont give a shit shut the fuck up.
2019-07-16 19:36

Hadi The Edgemaster
Keep coming on my fucking pics bitching about every fucking thing. Go kill your self . Goddamn internet bitch
2019-07-16 19:37

I knew it ;) You can't even write five sentences about your own character, because your vocabulary isn't enough. All bark but no bite.
I didn't rate your creation. I think even bronze is too much for that.
2019-07-17 4:54

Aldon Vinetwig
Fashion Collector
beautiful screens! :)
2019-07-17 17:57

I'd be glad to, if you could explain what you think is so great: Screens with 3 characters "without legs" put together senselessly (only connection Spearmarshal's armor), or armor mix that doesn't exist here? Or that he managed to make a 1:1 copy of ANet armor? Maybe a description that doesn't exist either?
I'm really curious! Right now, all I can do is puzzle, how to give medals for things that aren't there...
2019-07-18 4:06 in reply to Aldon Vinetwig

Fashion Collector
Dye choices and screens are ok, but without a description I don't understand anything (who, where, why). And I have to agree with Frans because of armor pieces and originality
2019-07-18 6:05

Aldon Vinetwig
Fashion Collector
I think the screens are beautiful :) I do not rate many submissions, but when I see one I like, I like to show my appreciation for it.
I think it is a sad time for this small community if you call people out in a negative light over something entirely subjective. So let's try and be more positive and build each other up so that this site can actually be bigger than what it is. And remember - the scores given do not matter at all. It just matters that we enjoy this :)
2019-07-18 6:21 in reply to Frans

In order not to generalize and be more concrete, the medals were divided into categories (which didn't exist at the beginning)... The comment column is for discussions about character representation (whether positive or negative criticism). As for community - unfortunately hardly anyone tries to write comments (sometimes for fear of getting a bad rating (a la revenge act), sometimes to avoid insults (a la bitch, grumpf etc.). Here are some stylists who post creative and interesting stuff. I love fashion in GW2 and I like to browse this site. And I keep discovering older presentations that are still exciting, with his unexpected armor mix (that despite 5 years old armor), great pictures and stories. Because there is a lot of heart and soul.
So, when I see some efforts (and pleasure), I also give some small bonuses for evaluation. And sorry, I can't really understand your rating and your statement. But I can't stop you to enjoy and support presentations like this... Have fun with it ;)
2019-07-18 9:51 in reply to Aldon Vinetwig

Hadi The Edgemaster
Its Gw2 style not Gw2 Role play . I dont have to add a description if i dont want to. Im just here to share pics i took.
2019-07-18 18:37

Hadi The Edgemaster
Thank you Aldon at least you understand. Fuck Frans. He keeps coming on my pictures with his bullshit. Im about to block his ass.
2019-07-18 18:38

baba yaga
Fashion Collector
Sure, when you get gold, you're happy... I don't know if you weren't aware that a character with an armor set (like in the armor gallery at wiki) is rather critical and doesn't cause cheers (but with a few clicks on this page, you can quickly find out). You can't change it, no matter. I'm surprised because of your reaction. If you look at the screens, you can't see an idea. Maybe you imagined something when the screens were taken, but the viewer can't read your thoughts! Even more the viewer is irritated by the title "Spearmarshal Krah and Zora", although there are 3 different characters on the pictures. Instead of answering Fran's legitimate question and solving the puzzles with 5 sentences (by adding a short description), you become aggressive.
I've looked at all the representations of your characters and they all seem a bit uncomfortable to me or according to your choice of words - sloppy (there is no color/armor indicated, with others only 2 pictures or no description).
And to answer anyone who doesn't just write a positive comment with "Go kill your self" or "block his ass" is wrong...
2019-07-19 8:29

Hadi The Edgemaster
First off im not reading all that dumbass shit you wrote and second if you don't like my content stop coming to my fucking page. Period.
2019-07-19 18:32

Fashion Guru
The colors are nice but I think that's the only positive thing about this look. I think mixing in a few different pieces would improve the overall look as there is a lot you can do with the Spearmarshall set.
2019-07-27 23:05