Asura Sleepover-Kit

By Keithlyn on January 4th, 2017
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Blue
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This is Mimi Schmollbraten, my new 2 minute old Asura Mesmer.
When I bought the festive hat and tried it on it looked so much like a pyjama, so i started looking for very plain armor to combine.
In the end i came up with this, it may be nothing special but i needed to share it so everyone can make asura pyjama parties! ^-^
i am still not very happy with the colours i chose bc they look so cold.


It may not be an epic armor combination, but i really love the idea! It is so cute and overall so practical. I get tired if i see the screenshots and i mean that positive^^ I like the dyes too. I cant really criticize that you only using one bed at your screenshots, because most persons only have one bed^^ But maybe you can show some more interactions like preparotion for night time at your screenshots. Just an idea. You get an Gold for your creativity :)
2017-01-04 21:27

This cute asura needs a gold. Gold!
2017-01-05 2:03

Fashion Guru
This is so gold
2017-01-06 10:53