Last Elementalist

By Last on March 23rd, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: Black
Vote Breakdown
0 5
4 0
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Fashion Collector
Indeed, the best part of all... the description.
2016-03-23 22:29

Fashion Collector
the armour mix is totally alright, I dig this, but why are people so careless with the presentation lately? if you are at all interested in the rating you will have to consider that two of these sliders are screens and description
2016-03-24 5:05

Elessar Taralom
what a shame that you invested no real effort into the presentation x x
I really like the armour mix with the hood on top and with a bit less black dyes in certain places this would have easily been a gold look for me!
2016-03-24 5:14

I agree with the others, the armor mix is pretty cool. The dyes are OK, but I think with the right dyes this look would really shine :)
Some more screens and a bit more effort in the description and it would be gold. (I sucked in making description in the beginning, too :) )
2016-03-24 5:57

Dyes are a bit dry (the cheaper palettes look very toned down), but the armor choice is really cool. Looks like something out of Assassin's Creed!
2016-03-26 1:27

Also get some more screens in to show off that look :D
2016-03-26 1:27