Super Engi

By Hokie on July 20th, 2014
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Gold
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Condi gear for my engineer. Love the SAB weapons, and can't wait for it to come back.

Magitech Helm
TA Shoulder
Named Exotic Chest
Gloves are hidden
Vigil Pants
TA Boots


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2014-07-21 6:25

Hehe, yea, but that's kinda of the look nearly everyone rocks. I'll go ahead and post the non-condi set, it's not nearly as slutty, but you still might not like it.
2014-07-21 9:58

Fashion Collector
I mean isn't that more reason to *not* use it? I actually don't mind skimpy armor as a rule but it's so overused. Anyway, I do like your boots and the SAB weapons. I think with just different pants this could be a pretty cool look.
2014-07-21 13:53

Fashion Guru
great weapons!
2014-09-16 22:51