Master of the Forge

By Radec300 on July 1st, 2024
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Grey
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Hi, this is my Scrapper, i wanted to create a mix between a forgemaster and a skritt. This is the result, it could be an Aetherblade pirate or a Flame Legion blacksmith, and none could tell the difference.
Armor: Scrapper mask, Forgeman Shoulders, Fused Gauntlets and Forgeman Jacket. Leg armor and boots are optional, you can barely see the it under the jacket. Boots are Watchknight boots.
Weapon: Adamant Guard Hammer.
Dye: Abyss, Midnight Fire, Pitch, Mahogany, Ash and Salmon (for the mask so its paired with the hammer)


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