Snow Demon

By rosi_k on January 27th, 2020
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Black
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Be careful when you travel to the cold places if Tyria. She might steal your food, or something else.


Here I can leave the same comment as with your other asura. And this time it doesn't even fit the title theme
2020-01-27 17:37

This is how i saw my asura when i made the look. I am new to this... so what name would you give to this look?
2020-01-27 18:53 in reply to Frans

It's not about titles... What I meant to say is that your character takes about 5 percent of the screen area (and so you don't see any armor details and look just as lost, crushed by background). So ingame under options change some settings and make new screens ;)
Armor is ok, the idea (with luminescent parts) unfortunately nothing new and used in some presentations much better than here by you.
2020-02-03 17:12 in reply to rosi_k