Theorist Gnunnu

By CheshireKing on January 15th, 2018
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Black
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What I was going for this one is that she is an asura that tries to find out the mysteries of the world. When the Revenant showed up, her interested in the mist. Where was this mist, how do the revenant able to be contained with it and why are this Legends there and who are there. This led her to experiment in the field of Synergetics and mist study, one of them leading to her hands glowing and becoming blind but can see thank the mist. How this work is still a mystery to her

As you can see this is a preview since I haven't got the items yet. What I want to know is mostly about the color scam. I like it so far as it almost looks like that she has the mist running through her armor and/or skin. So tell me what you think of it and do you know any better colors or armor I should use for this. Also, let me know where I can get these armor because I'm trying to avoid ones I have to play PVP for or have to buy it


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