Witty Revenant title here!

By moecchi on November 15th, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Multi
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Wheee. Got another one for you guys! Meet The Mist Bae!

Not very creative with those screenshots am I... I also realise I didn't have the herald trait unlocked, so i had to take most of the screenies in the Mist.. Nice coincidence with the name and class ^_^ not so nice for the actual picture taking v_v..

I've wanted to try the look with the carapace coat but vinewrath is a $$%£^!"£! :') (I swear i've done it like twelve hundred times already..) So i'm stuck with the aether chest piece. It's OK i guess but i personally don't like chest pieces and leg pieces being from the same set! that's just me though 8)

Critiques/Suggestions always welcomed! Show me no mercy!


Fashion Guru
Hey what do u thing bout the T2 human? I use it at my war^^

2015-11-16 3:09

She's using 2 belts... why?
2015-11-17 10:39

@wolfeng - Because anime :P
2015-11-19 14:58