Golden Guardian look

By masterlw on March 21st, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Gold
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My guadian look 8)


Annette Langmar
Fashion Guru
Okay. I'm just... confused by this look? Were you trying to match your legendary sword? was that the goal? None of these gold dyes match, some are are gold, some are brass, some look like you used the left over bronzer you used on your face. I could dig the ganguro clown face if the outfit matched the personality but I'm just getting polarized unattractiveness. Girl you got a wreath made of mandarin orange peels on your head. Work on it boo. 0/10
2015-03-21 20:43

The dyes are nice, maybe not the exact exact ones but they are cool... :)
2015-03-21 20:57

I really don't like that chestpiece; it looks like a desperate attempt to stop sagging boobs. There are two belts right next to each other with two different color buckles. The dyes don't quite match and none of the pieces seem to make sense together. Also, what's with the orange peel crown?
2015-03-21 21:06

Fashion Guru
like the colors!! i did also a style like u :)
2015-03-22 3:46

Pretty nice!
2015-03-23 8:32