The Ultimate Thief Look for 2014

By Russia on January 9th, 2014
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Yellow
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A lot of people have been asking me if I'm on this website so I figure I would create an account. This is Soviet.

I really like dark skin textures with really light hair. That's something I do in most games.

I used a mix of different armor sets in order to create a pretty cohesive look.

My main goal when creating a thief look was to import the engineer backpack and eye patch to the thief class. Which I did. I think it's a nice unique look that I have not seen many, if any, other thieves use.

And of course you HAVE to have a Legendary.

Full album here:


The Legendary doesn't work for me with this look. Nice look nontheless.
2014-01-10 8:14

I agree that the Dreamer doesn't quite fit, but then again, I would hate it if everyone using a rainbow legendary started using all pastel blues and pinks to match their weapons.

The gloves seem a little bright compared to the rest of the set, but it's very nice overall.
2014-01-10 14:58

dyes ? Very nice !
2014-06-05 19:54

Fashion Collector
My .02 here, I feel like your weapons don't really support the theme/colors your armor is conveying. Also I might consider reversing the colors so that the dominant armor color is visually different from your skin color from a distance. Lastly, I would carry the bright/flame thing down to the legs or replace it, it looks like you're only bright colored up top. Good luck, I feel like you're almost sorted into a great look.
2014-09-29 20:40