The OTHER White Wolf... (a Witcher-inspired non-canon Witcher)

By TheKimmynator on July 25th, 2021
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Black
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For the right amount of coin she'll solve your supernatural troubles, the OTHER White Wolf...

I felt a little obsessed and thus compelled to create my own Witcher-inspired look for my ranger. I figured, why not grey-white hair! I think I stayed closer to the series witcher look with the black tones as opposed to the game look, but ofcourse you can customize armor in the game so everything's possible. I added the deep red tones for a more goth-esque feel to the look, and I think it contrasts the pale skin/light hair well
(Ofcourse I forgot to add the yellow eyes, but we'll look past that for now >>)

The shoulders are a little chunky, but I kinda dig that, they make her look more robust, but the non-shoulder look works too, imo!

Falconer's Mask - Abyss/Grave
Rubicon Shoulderpads - Shadow Abyss/Cocoa/Grave
Elegy Chestguard - Bloodstone Dark Coral/Pitch/Shadow Abyss
Rawhide Bracers - Shadow Abyss/Black Cherry/Grave
Stride of Koda - Abyss/Midnight Fire/Abyss
Elegy Boots - Evening Red/Pitch/Shadow Abyss


I like that
2021-08-23 4:45