Investigator Izoldd

By Ariadim on March 13th, 2020
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Armor: Medium
Color: Blue
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This outfit wants to be a fusion between protection and mobility. You can see how Izoldd is protected with the elastane material (perfect for spies), but also protected with leather and metallic plates. Don’t be confident around him. His cute little boy face is as dangerous as his sadism and bloodlust.
Smart, fast-minded and decisive but also selfish, lier and unscrupulous. Izoldd lost his parents really soon in really weird circumstances. He was found unconscious close to his parents corpses. He said he wasn’t able to remember anything and the closed the case because of the lack of evidences. He became a brilliant progeny and he was able to graduate two years before his peers. He never doubt about facing or besting his teachers. He also detested people who treated him with kindness just because he was alone and hated that people felt sorry, almost like if that were a dare.
He had a great capacity to persuade people to do whatever he wanted and, with some time, he was able to get contact with some members of Arcane Council. Money and access to technology were a problem but he had his own solution. Some flirting over here, drugs over there, selling his charms to the best bidder… He acted really well until he got discovered. His game went too far and that raised a feeling of suspicion in high-positioned members.
After some investigation, all his tactics and crimes got discovered. Even his parent’s dead case was opened again. He decided to confess he killed them but not the reason. Obviously, he was protected by someone. He never would let them catch him so easily. That’s why he was so confident with his situation. Playing well his cards, Izoldd had them between rock and a hard place so he became a free agent under the “Investigator” rank, trying to have them contented.
They knew he was dangerous and never dared to punish them proportionally to his acts because at the end, Izzold was who called the shoots.


Incredibly cute, nice armor and dyes. good job
2020-03-13 18:08

Although I love asuras more than anything, only silver can spend you here. I like your sniper a lot better
2020-03-16 7:19

Your coment is a bit... poor. Maybe a more constructive one whould be better cause at least, you just say "I dont like that" :3
2020-03-16 11:48 in reply to Frans

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