Mostly boobs

By wosie on August 4th, 2014
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Blue
Vote Breakdown
6 5
8 5
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A mesmer with many talents, what can I say... I'll miss the Zephyr Sanctum.


Fashion Guru
Gold for the Name x'D
2014-08-05 16:33

Well, at least you don't pretend and name her "classy mesmer" or some bullshit.
If you know that you got the boobs for the job and stand by that theme, well there you go.
The style per se is still something I would never like, but I give you silver for beeing a man and admitting what you aim for here :D
2014-08-11 7:27

Fashion Guru
Gold for honesty haha
2020-05-06 10:13