Nyango, the Inquest Hunter

By Daedraz on November 15th, 2018
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Blue
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Originally a skilled and brilliant Cartographer, Nyango developed an affinity for rifles and marksmanship after experiencing too many run-ins with the Inquest. After running into the fray with a sword and experiencing many traumatic wallopings, Nyango started wondering "Hmm. I see a bunch of Inquest all the way over there... Boy I sure wish there was a way for me to stab them from all the way here." After picking up a rifle for the first time, Nyango marveled at the weapon's prowess in dispatching Inquest from extra long ranges. While hearing the barely audible screams of Inquest fleeing for their lives in the distance, Nyango thought "The rifle sure is a fascinating weapon! If I kneel, I can temporarily suspend the rules of ballistics and make the bullets fly an extra 300 range!"

Due to her capabilities in dealing with Inquest threats, Nyango was commissioned by the leadership of Rata Sum as an Inquest Hunter. Saying goodbye to her friends and family, Nyango departed into the vast world of Tyria to track and exterminate Inquest forces... Or at least that is what everyone at Rata Sum still thinks. In reality, Nyango spends most of her time just standing still at the Bookah Capital, Divinity's Reach. This behavior puzzles the humans. One shopkeeper was heard saying "It is so eerie. The bloody thing just... stands there menacingly. Its been standing there for 4 days and nights straight. It doesn't sleep. It doesn't move. It doesn't eat. Every now and then a carrier pigeon flies out of one of its pockets. What is it doing????"


Fashion Guru
Very cute :D
2018-11-23 11:28

Fashion Collector
Cute little captain ^^
2018-11-28 3:51

Pretty ;) Gold
2019-01-23 7:31