Elize Aurora 1 - old look

By AriaTalon on November 2nd, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Black
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This is my Thief Elize Aurora, picked her up again with HoT Launch and gave her a revamp with HoT Skins.

Tried to use the new skins that came with HoT. I think they are pretty ok, kinda dislike the blades at the bottom part of the coat as they look really chunky.

Bladed Skins aquired in Verdant Brink btw

Dyes is usw: Didn't want to go for maximum darkness like shadow abyss and cats shadow, but i used a lot of Black dyes with i tiny hue of blue in it to try fot the mystic weapons i really like on my thief, so for example: Iron dye, shadow turquoise and midnight ice.

I personally think the order of whispers shoulder piece would look awesome as well (so that we use more than just the assassin skins) but for some reason the merchant in the secrets chantry is not there.

Other viable Skins are:
Headgear: Priory's Historical Mask, Accursed Visage, Adventurers Scarf

Backpieces: One of the Quivers if you are a Ranger, or Black Feather Wings if you like them. Whispers backpieces would fit if you'd take red instead of blue in to the Color scheme and use inquest weapons instead of mystic ones.
Glider Skins: Batwing or Black Feather


Awesome! She looks so badass! :D
Which bow are you using? It fits very well, I just can't remember the name ... :D
2016-02-15 0:13

Mystic Short Bow
2016-04-24 4:50