Weekend trip with the Dog

By Frans on June 23rd, 2024
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Brown
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Hi guys,
nothing extravagant this time, just a fresh summer look for fun at Dragon Bash ;)
I recently unlocked Sanctified armor (from the Wizard's Vault). I tried out a few different looks with it. I liked the leather version the best, so it was clear that my Engi would get a new styling. With leather armor, the leggings look like hot pants. Skysage's Spectacles are also quite new. And I bought extra Stylish Shoes.
So I thought about leisure/holiday outfits. So I also got Mini Adventure Boxer and took a few vacation snapshots.

Constructive criticism is welcome.
I hope you like Asura and have a lot of fun ;)


Fashion Guru
This looks like a lovely getaway, nice hot-pants you're rocking, they really are great under-wear/bike shorts on medium armor!
2024-06-24 3:16

I have a sexy bikini figure, don't I? Thank you
2024-06-24 6:28 in reply to TheKimmynator

Fashion Guru
Ahahaha sure thing! Bangin'!
2024-06-24 17:46 in reply to Frans

^^ in Gemstore there are now real bikinis
2024-06-26 10:46