
Joined: January 5th, 2018
Server: Yak's Bend


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My computer is really bad, my screenshots are likely lacking lustre, sorry! -- C H A R A C T E R S -- - ROSINBOW (sylvari) [ t h i e f ] - IRVING QUINN (asura) [ d r u i d ] - ABEYTZIBEYA (sylvari) [ f i r e b r a n d ] - NAGUIRR (charr) [ r e a p e r ] - CLOUDWRANGLER (charr) [ m e s m e r ] - TILDE FLAX (asura) [ w a r r i o r ] - SOL TENEBRE (human) [ w e a v e r ] -- CONTACT -- GW2: macchabee.8947 Discord: #KLUTZ.6184