Nightmare Ranger 2.0

By Charlotte Reaslen on December 29th, 2015
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Medium
Color: Purple
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This is my Ranger's second look. Same armor. Different Dyes.
I am willing to take advice on my look. Hope you like it.


1. Take screenshots in the Grove or Caledon for better lighting, please? :)
2. She's too light to be Nightmare! Explore some Nightmare Court settlements in-game and check out what the courtiers look like - or disguise as one yourself at Briarthorn Den in Caledon Forest, and use that as inspiration.
2015-12-29 2:36

UPDATE: Got a pic of my disguised Ranger at Briarthorn (as you probably know, this is what all medium-armor characters look like while disguised). She's wearing T1 Sylvari cultural armor and is standing next to a courtier with T2 armor on.
2015-12-29 3:00

Fashion Guru
For me the problem isn't that she's too light, but she looks too nice for a courtier...

And maybe you should had another color to contrast with the purple, maybe red, or green, or orange ?
2015-12-29 5:24

Fashion Collector
By no means does a courtier have to appear as pure evil, several of the corrupted ones through the Personal Story still look notably normal!

I say this looks fine, and having to look evil while in an antagonistic faction would make that faction a bit easily solved, innit?
2016-01-06 6:02