Female Paladin

By Andar on May 7th, 2014
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Silver
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I'm going for a 'typical paladin' look, by which I mean something shiny and tough, but also nothing too bizarre. I really like the combination of shine but also wear & tear of the Primeval chest and legs, but I'm having a hard time matching it with anything else (apart from the Guild Tower Shield, which I think suits it very well).

I know that Tier 3 cultural armor for humans would fit my intent, but it's an especially expensive option and I'd like to try alternatives.


I think dark templar skin for shoulder would work with this set. And possibly draconic gauntlets to match?
Definitely keep tower shield. Mistforged weapon seem fitting too if you do WvW.
2014-05-07 17:54