Miss Cavalon,the Luxon´s inheritance.

By Tia Williams on August 20th, 2015
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Multi
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Hi there :)
I tried to create a char, who looks like a native Luxon from Guild Wars 1.

I hope you enjoy :)
Tía Williams (Riverside)


Igneous Ray
Fashion Collector
I miss Cavalon.

I can see the Luxon style in this. If only it were possible to duplicate on a Norn (for the sake of tattoos.)
2015-08-20 22:58

I would change the Staff tough. Its completely random.
2015-08-21 10:58

Tia Williams
Hi thanks for your improvements :)

@Igneos Ray: Good idea! But there are some problems i think :/
1: The chestpiece is a cultual armor skin for humans, so i need an alternative skin.
2: The Norn´s hairstyles dont really fit to a Luxon ( in my opinion^^ )

I thought about the Dragon's Jade Quarterstaff Skin. I will try it and upload soon :)
2015-08-21 13:11

Fashion Guru
I really wasn't too sure since your first few screenshots are kinda messy, but when I saw the last one (where she waves) I decided to give you gold! :D She looks very Luxon, the colours, the scarf/bare midriff combo, the choice of pieces with little beads and gemstones, perfect. Though you should indeed get another staff!

2015-09-14 23:32

Really nice! Very reminiscent of the Luxons. :D
2022-01-17 15:16