Slime Warrior

By brothean on April 16th, 2014
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Multi
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this is one half of a pod twin pair my friend and I play c: I wanted to use the alien face and the petal hair together, and went wild with the colors. to my surprise he fit in perfectly with the injector backpack! aetherblade armor, wide eyes, and neon colors!

dyes: green apple, morning glory, midday


Falcon At
He looks like he's from some late-90s,-early-2000s cult classic platformer game, not Guild Wars. Very original look!
2014-04-17 2:41

Fashion Guru
This is the cutest, most unique character I've ever seen!
2015-04-23 2:53

A very creative, unique and striking look that makes an unusual color comvination work very well.
2022-01-25 8:55