Kevättulva, momma mender

By Luxymonsteri on March 9th, 2014
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: White
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Eh, might as well post my main

Head: Glacial eye
Shoulders: Orchid epaulets (Icing, Night Shade)
Chest: Trickster's vest (Icing, Arrogance, Frosting, Fog)
Hands: None
Legs: Flamekissed pants (Icing, Arrogance, Pastel Citrus)
Boots: Light Armageddon Shoes (Arrogance, Icing)

Weapons are Sunrise/King toad's staff


Love the dye choices for your armor. Nice job.
2014-03-10 0:09

Fashion Guru
Well done. No cultural and the legendary actually matches the armor. Silver.
2015-09-05 13:16