Norn Wanderer

By ArgentTalons on September 4th, 2022
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Brown
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A simple set of armor forged by the norn for one of their own, with a shawl gifted by the Zephyrite's to keep the wanderer warm in her journeys through the frigid Shiverpeaks.

Adventurer's Scarf (optional)
Dye: Cocoa

Zephyrite Shawl
Dye: Cocoa, Abyss, Abyss, Midnight Sky

Dolyak Mail
Dye: Graphite, Cocoa, Abyss

Dragonhunter's Gauntlet's
Dye: Graphite, Graphite, Cocoa, Abyss

Dolyak Chausses
Dye: Graphite, Cocoa, Abyss

Eagle Greaves
Dye: Graphite, Cocoa, Graphite

Etched Sword / Jailbroken, Etched Greatsword