Just looking Normal

By AlbToasT on March 30th, 2022
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Blue
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Around 10 years past away and everyone has legendarys. For me - too mutch bling bling! i like it simple and try to look ...normal?!


I very rarely buy skins from the Gem Shop, I don't use infusions and legendary armor (or so rarely that it's not worth mentioning) - so no bling-bling - and I redesign my characters at least once a month. You post here under "Help Wanted" section - I don't know what kind of help you expect - there are so many ways to look normal.
2022-03-30 20:02

is there more skins, like maybe with a shorts. i know about winter style but im looking for something i can wear in summer style
2022-03-31 18:21 in reply to ieva

How about opening the wardrobe windows and clicking through to look at the skins? I like both the trousers and the chest piece (and often use them myself to create real looks, like here: https://gw2style.com/look.php?id=17748), but they both look pretty boring together - so use your imagination and creativity to make your character unique...
2022-04-02 7:01 in reply to AlbToasT