Sylvari's Fire Heart

By PurpleShyGuy on April 16th, 2020
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Red
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-[When one God falls, another one rises. May the path of fire never extinguish.]-

// I wanted to steer away from my previous look of cooler, blue colors; to a more aggressive red/gold scheme. The demise of Balthazar served as a good inspiration for this look as well, and luckily in my absence from the game, new weapon skins arrived to put the icing on the cake (Royal Flame). If you were to see this character in a story, my goal is for it to appear as dangerous, experienced, and have a thirst for war. This led me to choose the Armageddon Helm as most of the other helmets either didnt mesh with the breastplate, or were a bit too large for a Sylvari frame. The Bladed Breastplate and Lighting Zephyrite gloves are suppose to aid in the "dangerous" part of the look. In the fantasy genre of video games, characters that wield large, shiny weaponry and have intricate armor designs are usually regarded as fierce, a force to be reckoned with.

My dyes went hand in hand with my weaponry choices. (Enameled Banana, and Ember Red being the main dyes).

// Apologies for not providing the armor/color details. The "specify armor" section is giving me some issues. The armor pieces are as follows:

- Armageddon Helm
- Spellbreaker's Redoubt
- Bladed Breastplate
- Lightning Blessed Zephyrite Gloves
- Mistward Legguards
- Mistward Warboots


Fashion Guru
Love it! It looks very epic, great colours and nice screenshots! Gold :D
2020-04-16 7:03

Fashion Guru
I really don't see anything Sylvari about this look.
2020-04-18 7:27

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