Elementalist Angel

By Tigris on June 26th, 2019
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: White
Vote Breakdown
5 4
5 2
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I tried to make a pretty angel using mostly bright colors.
For the back piece I use "White Feather Wings Backpack".
And the angel ring is "Selfless Potion".
I hope you like it!


I look at the bizarre ears and don't really understand what they have to do with pretty angel look?
2019-06-26 15:45

I just liked the kitty ears. It looks good too without them.
2019-06-26 18:30 in reply to Frans

Aldon Vinetwig
Fashion Collector
Very angel :) Very cute :)
2019-06-26 18:45

2019-06-26 22:24

Description: here I can't give you any points because nothing is described (some sentences about your armor choice, your character or why you chose this theme would be desirable)
Scrennshots: except that your character is in a shady place, the screens for the beginning are ok (only once from the left, once from the right and back view is not really exciting - there are so many nice places ingame for screens). I miss variety here (maybe some action scenes, making emotes etc.).
Originality: I admit - I've never seen an angel with cat ears before, but... The angel theme itself is nothing new. And since you don't use new weapons/armor skins, I make a 1 point deduction here.
Dye Choices: are ok, but don't come into play because your character is wrongly placed.
Armor Mix: a point deduction for the ears (ruins your beautiful character), and another point deduction for chest and leg armor from a set (that kind of thing always seems a bit boring and doesn't create tension)
2019-06-27 5:31

Without cat ears (which look pretty out of place here) she would look very pretty, although I have more interest in your asura, which you use as an avatar picture ;)
2019-06-27 6:41 in reply to Tigris

Thank you :3
2019-06-27 9:11 in reply to Aldon Vinetwig

Inflatable Boy
Great Look!!
2019-06-27 22:48

I am sorry but I can only say that I like it and I like to make pretty characters.
I thought Mistforged Glorious Hero's armor was not so old and I do not see much players using it.
I made a few new screen shots with use of your advise.
2019-06-27 23:26 in reply to ieva

I like your look but I think the cat ears do not fit.
but if you like it as it is I can live with it.
AND i miss a little stroy for ist but thats not matter. ;)
2019-06-28 8:24

Thank you!
I will write a story for my next post.
2019-06-28 9:31 in reply to Krukul

I rarely comment so extensively on postings from newcomers because most of them are not really interested in fashion in GW2 and disappear from GW2Style page after one or two meaningless presentations.
It's nice that you react to comments (and your rainbow effect picture is pretty). But that doesn't change my opinion about your look. I don't want to offend you or criticize you to death - the look is not really strong - 2 silver vs 5 bronze shows tendency that I don't think so alone. The 2 gold medals I ignore (I don't want to imply anything, friends are legitimate), but since both "gold givers" Acc. have been created on the same day (as your Acc.) and have only rated your presentation, I have some doubts about "only" coincidence...
And last but not least - the ideas, what is style, creativity etc. are different and you decide what you do (and what you like) as long as you really enjoy fashion. Maybe soon you'll be impressed even me with your charakter styling.
2019-06-28 10:42 in reply to Tigris

My friends rated gold I think but it was their honest opinion.
2019-06-28 12:55 in reply to ieva

Fashion Collector
I find the discussion interesting and adding my two cents. Cat ears? That's a big no-no at the fashion (especially not with angel styling)! What's new, what's old? Each 2 months new LS comes and with it mostly new armor parts, in addition skins in the gem shop. I think that's due to player speed. And PvP armor has been ingame for 4 (or even 5) years. Some details between t1 and t3 are so small (just like WvW armor). So it's definitely not new^^ An angel like that is nothing special and which has become overused to the point of losing. As for rating, if you maxed all the sliders except for description (which isn't there), only silver results as final medals. Then no more gold can emerge (your friends have lifted you up a bit), that's my honest opinion.
2019-07-18 5:53

Ki Ka Ku
First of all you character looks sweet en cute.
If you don't like cat ears just turn off the headgear ;) I hardly use headgear so I don't mind.

I actually think it is ridiculous that people prescribe what fashion is and what is not. It is a matter of taste and yes for someone else it might be a bad taste.

So be it! Who cares? Do your thing and have fun!
2019-09-01 7:50

baba yaga
Fashion Collector
I haven't read any of the instructions here. And as for the question of taste: I don't know how you would react if a slightly older bank employee or doctor in Britney Spears outfit (... Baby One More Time) stood in front of you... There are some styling rules. And if you disregard them, you have the corresponding result and reactions.
2019-10-01 7:16 in reply to Ki Ka Ku

Last Moe
I freaking love it ! 10/10 best look in gw2 i admire the work and effort were made !
2020-08-16 22:31