No idea but awesome

By oszustas21 on March 5th, 2017
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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I'd like to ask you guys to help me get the names of each part of this awesome super cool looking set (Reaper's Hood, shoulder, coat, Chaos Gloves, leggins)!~Thank you


Elessar Taralom
As far as I can see he is not wearing any shoulders
But the coat are the Vestments of the Lich
And the leggings are the Heritage Pants (only available if you have GW1 linked to your account)
Shoes might be something like Devout Shoes, there are a few with a similar style
2017-03-05 15:32

Fashion Collector
One of the many reapers I see with that style.

I believe it's what Elessar said, just wanted to add that it's full abyss dye or maybe shadow abyss. In case you need the dyes to reproduce the set.
2017-03-08 11:52