90% meta Warrior

By DeoDose on June 29th, 2016
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Red
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Yea, my new Warrior with my old Guardian outfit.
I'd like to know what colour combinations you suggest, especially for the aetherblade leggings:)
I think the black maches my twilight perfectly, but I fear to be a dark blob on the map^^


Fashion Guru
Showing a log in screen would help to identify the armor better if you are not going to link it here. Cloth armor usually is perfect for very rich colors and there are so many to choose from. More screens would help with suggestions for sure. The black on black is very common and overdone. If you like it enough to keep it, use any other colors besides the go to red to match Twilight.
2016-06-29 20:26

Armor is:

Head - None (Should be Wreath of Cooperation)
Shoulder - Shoulder Scarf
Chest - Chainmail Chestpiece
Hands - None (Should be Chaos Gloves in Meta)
Leg - Aetherblade Heavy Legplates
Shoes - Primeval Warboots

Weapon - Twilight
2016-06-29 22:51 in reply to Purgatori

boots are actually mistward warboots
2016-06-30 2:23 in reply to Baka-Inu

Oh yeah my mistake ^^ i didnt looked closely
2016-06-30 13:27 in reply to FusionFrags

Personally, the black Aether lowers look fine to me, but considering how smooth the golden belt like part is and the lack of spikes elsewhere, going with spiked boots seems a bit out of place. If you were to add more spikes it would fix that issue. Also, having black on the boots isn't a problem but to maybe break up the black on black, going with boots that have multiple colouring could really make it stand out a bit more. (However, that is just my opinion and I look forward to seeing the results of what you choose)
2016-07-03 10:23

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