Charr Chronomancer

By J0ttem on November 29th, 2015
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Armor: Light
Color: Black
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Got tired of my T2 Cultural set so decided to give him a new look. Although it's hard to make a charr look good in light armor, I quite liked the combination of the AC pants + Vigil coat. The other parts added some extra details without being too flashy.
It's a shame the 'electric' effect on the Tempest Loop isn't dyeable though, would've loved to dye it purple.


Fashion Guru
Armor combo is great. Dyes feel just a tad too similar to me, perhaps use a slightly lighter purple for the trim? Nothing that hurts my score, though, this is still an overall great look!
2015-11-30 4:12

I like the whole outfit, although the black colour seems a little like an "easy solution", meaning that you just coloured it all black. And I do get a more elementalist-ish feeling from it (must be the Tempest Loop). You said yourself it's hard to make light armour look good on Charr, although I do feel you did pretty good :) Would like to see some more purple in the armour, though - would also fit amazingly with the weapons :D
But all in all it's a solid nice looking look :D
2015-12-01 10:46