The Charr Who Wanted to Be a Tengu

By ILikeStuff on December 12th, 2021
Race: Charr
Gender: Female
Armor: Light
Color: White
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Her Charr clan never knew quite what to do with Suzume. Her name, which means "Sparrow," may have been the starting point, because she was always fascinated by birds in general and the Tengu race in particular. No surprise that she chose to become a Mesmer, with the profession's mystical qualities.

She usually chooses to wear the lightest armor possible, in airy shades of white and blue: Phantasm's Mask, Bounty Hunter's Mantle, Tribal Vestments, Aurene's Crystalline Claws, Masquerade Leggings, and Raven Ceremonial Sandals. If she's feeling dark, she sometimes switches to a black, all-Raven-based look.


Fashion Guru
What an interesting concept! I like the idea of a feline wanting to be an avian. Very much an identity-crisis situation that offers a very interesting character and story. Love how you used the mask to create a beak, and the armor does remind of tengu armor, well done!
2021-12-14 10:32

Thank you very much!
2021-12-14 10:46

Absolutely love this and very creative!
2022-01-10 6:33

Omg this is amazing
2022-04-21 3:12

I love this! It's cute and it made me giggle! Gold vote from me, well done!
2022-07-19 16:46