Kourna General

By victor maze on November 5th, 2017
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Armor: Heavy
Color: Black
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Fashion Guru
Hey there and welcome to Gw2Style! :) As I always say, one is free to do wtv he wants when it comes to the looks posted. Just some advise, try to take some more screenshots in locations with more light so it is easier to see the detail on your character, and keep the gloomy ones it builds up for the mystery of the look! :) use the camera sliders as well or some nuance when it comes to the overall picture!
Now specifically onto the look, I would love to see some more screens and as I said in more illuminated areas, cause the armor combo is very nice, I really like the original approach to a more samurai'ish kind of look, it would be great to see the look in action and all the detail with the ingame background and landscapes! Ill check later in case you add something else! Cheers
2017-11-05 16:30

As someone else said, the screenshots are really dark, hard to see the details of the look. I like what I see, in regards to the outfit combination; but the presentation is lacking.
2017-11-05 20:52