By Motoko on June 18th, 2017
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Armor: Heavy
Color: Red
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Naughty Skin for Naughty Asura


Deathblade Kenny
Fashion Guru
u made me laugh.
and making me laugh deserves a gold :D but add the armor and dyes please. and maybe some info in the description of how u got inspired to make it
2017-06-18 8:45

Now this is a LOT more interesting than your shadow abyss thingie!
The tiki-theme is super rare and id love to see some more thematic screenshots around that though.
I think in terms of armor and dyes you could still improve towards that theme too.
The weapons you chose dont convince me though.
And you really need to put more effort into your presentation :S
Specifying armor and dyes would be the first step to do, then the description could use a few thoughts about your look! Judging from the title it seems to be inspired by one of the video games? Tell us about it.
2017-06-18 11:52

Fashion Guru
I love this actually. It doesn't even need an explanation
2017-06-18 13:47